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Leader, Teacher, Headmaster, Mentor

Opportunity and education for all children.

Oh, if Ramsay Stabler could wave a wand and cast a magic spell, his wouldn’t be a spell to give himself immortality, or a spell to make himself bigger or stronger. He wouldn’t put on a set of robes adorned with stars and moons, grow a long, grey-beard, pop a conical hat on his head, pick up that wand and make a cake appear out of nowhere. If Ramsay Stabler could make anything happen with a flick of his wrist, he’d give children everywhere all the knowledge, experience, and education they deserve. In fact, he’d gift everyone with music, the arts, math, science, English, history, physical education and more. And if J.K. Rowling would excuse this kind-hearted homage, Ramsay would likely call out, Educate-all! to cast his spell.


Of course, Ramsay’s focus on education didn’t just *poof* into existence, and neither did Ramsay’s amazing near-magical powers to inspire and empower students. His skills come from a lifetime of dedication and effort: From his youthful education at Hotchkiss School, to a nearly 38-year career in independent schools, where he has taught history, math, and English, and coached various school sports teams. After more than a decade as the Dumbledore (well, technically the “Headmaster”) of St. Anne’s Episcopal School, he spent seven years lending his efforts, literally volunteering his “retirement” to the innovative, flexible-tuition, diversity-focused, family-geared St. Elizabeth’s School here in Denver. In 2014, he succeeded the founding Head of School, Walt McCoy, and he is now in his fourth year as Head of School.

Ramsay’s family, his wife Holly, and their four sons are his greatest driving force. He believes staunchly that family is integral to great education. Ramsay isn’t just an academic. His book of spells isn’t limited to a single discipline. He knows that great people with great knowledge-loaded minds don’t just appear with the flick of a wrist. So he fights for a full, well-rounded, and exceptional experience for each family and every child. Education, for Ramsay, isn’t just a matter of books and knowledge, studies and essays. You don’t just drop a child into a scholastic environment and expect a fully formed citizen to appear at the end, like the product of some Fordian assembly line. True education comes from experience, example, ethic and effort. It’s the building of a young life. A multi-faceted young life.

Humble leadership

Ramsay is about education. Ramsay is about kids. Ramsay is about family. And Ramsay never quits. Even if you try to get a word out of him about the great work he has done in the past, and the great work he’s doing now to ensure St. Elizabeth’s noble, beautiful new highly-inclusive model for private education succeeds, Ramsay will turn it to a story about the kids. He always wants his students included because education isn’t about him, he’s not waving his magic wand for selfish reasons, or even just to better himself directly. He’s pronouncing every syllable, putting on every wizard staple, and casting every little spell to make sure that children everywhere, the ones he meets, and even those he’ll never work with, get the opportunity to live and love with a brain full of knowledge and experience. After all, if you believe the words of polymath Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen, then Ramsay’s greatest skill is also his greatest gift.