
Don’t Mess with Texas

Catherine Clements brings Lone Star-style bluster to battle hunger in Colorado

No doubt you’ve heard the phrase, “everything’s bigger in Texas.” Belt buckles, hats, steaks, ranches and attitudes might all spring to mind as good examples. There’s one “bigger” Texas trait that Catherine Clements puts to use every day… and it’s good for all of us. See, Catherine’s “big” is about Heart and Generosity. Heck, let’s put those two terms in all CAPS because that’s the easiest way to show just how big they are for Catherine Clements: HEART and GENEROSITY. Fact is, her PERSONALITY is big too… and that makes for a bold package.

Catherine was born in Dallas, and attended college at the University of Texas in Austin (a great town). Then she moved to Denver to get her Master’s, and while here her already big HEART grew bigger. She started Cafe 180 with her friends Libby Whitmore and Julie Mihevc after a visit to the unparalleled SAME Cafe. Catherine was so inspired by the mission to offer anyone a meal in exchange for volunteer time that they decided to replicate the model right then and there.

She doesn’t stop with food, either. They also offer counseling (volunteers can receive counseling at Denver Family Institute in exchange for their time) through Counseling 180. She has even started Social Sauce Ventures which intends to recognize and support social enterprises that aim to increase self-sufficiency and personal dignity. All of it means that Catherine’s giving greatness expands until it’s bigger than Big Tex and the Jumbotron in Cowboys Stadium, combined. Hunger better watch out because she surely ain’t messin’ around, y’hear.